29 June 2014

Posted by RYAN ATMOJO |
1.      Sam said, “I have just decided to talk to the girl.”
Reported speech: ___________________________________________
a.       Sam said that she have just decided to talk to the girl.
b.      Sam said that he have just decided to talk to the girl.
c.       Sam said that he had just decided to talked to the girl.
d.      Sam said that he had just decided to talk to the girl.
2.      My father asked, “Are you hungry?”
Reported speech: ___________________________________________
a.       My father asked that I were hungry.
b.      My father asked that I am hungry.
c.       Her father asked that she was hungry.
d.      Her father asked that you were hungry.
3.      Suzana asked, “What are you looking at?”
Reported speech: ___________________________________________
a.       Suzana asked what I am looking at.
b.      Suzana asked what I was looking at.
c.       Suzana asked what I are looking at.
d.      Suzana asked what I looked at.
4.      Julian said that, “The teacher will come to class at 8:00 a.m.”
Reported speech: ___________________________________________
a.       The teacher said that he would come to class at 8:00 a.m.
b.      Julian asked the teacher to come to class at 8:00 a.m.
c.       Julian said that he asked the teacher to come to class at 8:00 a.m.
d.      Julian said that the teacher would come to class at 8:00 a.m.
5.      My boss wanted to know why I was not working at my desk and wasting the company’s time.
Direct speech     :        ­­­__________________________________
a.       My boss asked, “Why are you not working at your desk and wasting the company’s time.”
b.      My boss asked, “Why are you not working at my desk and wasting the company’s time.”
c.       My boss asked, “Why were you not working at your desk and wasting the company’s time.”
d.      My boss asked, “Why was I not working at my desk and wasting the company’s time.”
6.      Debra wanted to know if I could guess what she had in her pocket.
Direct speech  : ________________________________________
a.       Debra asked, “Can you guess what she haves in her pocket?”
b.      Debra asked, “Can you guess what she have in her pocket?”
c.       Debra asked, Can you guess what she has in her pocket?
d.      Debra asked, “Can I guess what she has in her pocket?”
7.      Brian said, “I have cancelled my dorm contract at the end of the semester.”
Reported speech   : _______________________________________
a.       Brian said that I had cancelled my dorm contract at the end of the semester.
b.      Brian said that he had cancelled his dorm contract at the end of the semester.
c.       Brian said that he has cancelled his dorm contract at the end of the semester.
d.      Brian said that he cancelled his dorm contract at the end of the semester.
8.      Panji said, “Don’t move in to a new apartment?”
Reported speech         : _______________________________________
a.       Panji said that he had moved in to a new apartment.
b.      Panji said to move in to a new apartment.
c.       Panji said not to move in to a new apartment.
d.      Panji said that not to move in to a new apartment.
9.      My father asked, “What time do you want to leave for the airport?”
Reported speech         : _______________________________________
a.       My father asked if what time I want to leave for the airport.
b.      My father asked that what time I want to leave for the airport.
c.       My father asked what time I wanted to leave for the airport.
d.      My father asked what time I want to leave for the airport.
10.  Karen said, “What are you thinking about?”
Reported speech         : _______________________________________
a.       Karen said what I am thinking about.
b.      Karen said what I was thinking about.
c.       Karen said what you were thinking about.
d.      Karen said what you are thinking about.
11.  Sandra _____________ drive but she hasn’t got a car, which modal expresses ability?
a.       Can
b.      May
c.       Could
d.      Might
12.  Whose book is this? I am not sure. It______________ be Anna's. Which modal expresses Possibility?
a.       Can
b.      Should
c.       Could
d.      Will
13.  I promise I ________________stop smoking. Which modal expresses Promising?
a.       Have to
b.      Will
c.       Should
d.      Must
14.  You _______________ leave work at 3:30 today. Which modal expresses Permission?
a.       Can
b.      Might
c.       Have to
d.      Must

15.  Whose car is this? – It _______________be Anton's. I think I saw him driving a red car like this one. Which modal expresses Strong Possibility?
a.       Can
b.      Must
c.       Might
d.      May
16.  You ________ enter that room. The sign says “Staff only”.
a.       Could
b.      Can’t
c.       Should
d.      Shouldn’t
17.  The machine is not working. I _________ call a mechanic.
a.       Can
b.      Can’t
c.       Should
d.      Shouldn’t
18.  The floor is dirty. We __________ clean it before our cousin arrive!
a.       Could
b.      might
c.       Has to
d.      Have to
19.  You ________ try to lift that yourself. It’s hardly.
a.       Can
b.      Couldn’t
c.       Should
d.      Shouldn’t
20.  The coffee is bitter. She __________ add some sugar.
a.       Might
b.      Can
c.       Should
d.      Has to

21.  My friend told me about a student ________ has taken the TOEFL test twelve times!
a.       Who
b.      Whom
c.       Whose
d.      Which

22.  The advisor __________ I talked to didn’t know the answer to my academic question.
a.       Who
b.      Whom
c.       Whose
d.      Which

23.  My friend __________ is in my mathematics class studies with me in the afternoon.
a.       Who
b.      Whom
c.       Whose
d.      Which

24.  A friend __________ I trust thinks the courses will be useful.
a.       Who
b.      Whom
c.       Whose
d.      Which

25.  I would like to find an instructor ___________ teaches creative writing.
a.       Who
b.      Whom
c.       Whose
d.      Which
26.  Josephine is the girl________ is going to China next year.
a.       Who
b.      Whom
c.       Whose
d.      Which
27.  This is the watch________ I got from my grandfather.
a.       Who
b.      Whom
c.       Whose
d.      Which
28.  The women ________ I don’t like are selfish.
a.       Who
b.      Whom
c.       Whose
d.      Which
29.  The dentist is with a child ________teeth are causing some problem.
a.       Who
b.      Whom
c.       Whose
d.      Which
30.  Mr. Brown, ________ motorcycle was stolen last night, is at the police station.
a.       Who
b.      Whom
c.       Whose
d.      Which

31.  They will finish the project as soon as possible.
a.       The project will being finished by them as soon as possible
b.      The project will be finished by them as soon as possible
c.       The project would be finished by them as soon as possible
d.      The project will finished by them as soon as possible
32.  The manager should sign these contracts today.
a.       These contracts should be signed by the manager today.
b.      These contracts should be signed by the manager today.
c.       These contracts should has been signed by the manager today.
d.      These contracts should being signed by the manager today.
33.  The company has ordered some new equipment.
a.       Some new equipment had been ordered by the company.
b.      Some new equipment has been ordered by the company.
c.       Some new equipment have been ordered by the company.
d.      Some new equipment has being ordered by the company.
34.  The committee was considering several new proposals.
a.       Several new proposals have been considered by the committee.
b.      Several new proposals were being considered by the committee.
c.       Several new proposals were considered by the committee.
d.      Several new proposals are being considered by the committee.
35.  The secretary sent the letters last week.
a.       The letters are being sent by the secretary last week
b.      The letters are sent by the secretary last week
c.       The letters were sent by the secretary last week
d.      The letters were being sent by the secretary last week
36.  The customer has complained the products.
a.       The products has being complained by the customer
b.      The products had been complained by the customer
c.       The products has been complained by the customer
d.      The products have been complained by the customer
37.  We will discuss our business tomorrow.
a.       Our business will be discuss by us tomorrow
b.      Our business will being discussed by us tomorrow
c.       Our business will be discussed by us tomorrow
d.      Our business would be discussed by us tomorrow
38.  My manager gave the instructions for two hours.
a.       The instructions were given by my manager for two hours.
b.      The instructions are given by my manager for two hours.
c.       The instructions have given by my manager for two hours.
d.      The instructions were being given by my manager for two hours.
39.  The secretary has finished the jobs since two hours ago.
a.       The jobs have been finished by the secretary two hours ago
b.      The jobs have finished by the secretary two hours ago
c.       The jobs had  been finish by the secretary two hours ago
d.      The jobs had finish by the secretary two hours ago

40.  Someone is recording our conversation
      The passive sentence of the above sentence is _____?
a. Our conversation is being recorded by someone
b. Our conversation are being recording by someone
c. Our conversation are recorded by someone
d. Our conversation is recording by someone
Put the verbs in the correct tense.                                                                        
41.  Gardhika .............. football yesterday.
a.         play                             c. played
b.         playing                                    d. player

42.  Josephine ................... her friends two days ago.
a.         met                              c. meets
b.         meet                            d. meeting

43.  Algian ........................... another country before.
a.         have never visited                   c. has never visited
b.         is not visited                            d. has not visit

For number 4 – 10, completed the conversation

Mother        : I want to prepare dinner. (you, wash) ______44.______ the                         dishes yet?
Daughter    : I (wash) _____45.______ the dishes yesterday, but I haven’t had                the time yet to do it today.
Mother        : (you, do, already) _____46.______ your homework?
Daughter    : No. I (come, just) _______47._______ home from school.
Mother        : You (come) ____48.____ home from school two hours ago!
Daughter    : Well, but my friend Lucy called when I arrived at  home and I                   (finish) ____49._____ the phone call.
Mother        : (you, see) ______50._____ Lucy at school in the morning or                       not?
Daughter    : Yes I saw her, but we did not have time to talk then.

44.  a.   Have you wash                              b. Have you washed?
c.     Has you wash?                              d. Has you washed?

45.  a.  wash                                                           b. washes
d.   washed                                                       c. washing

46.  a. Have you already done                                           b. Has you already done
c.    Have you done already                              d. Has you done already

47.  a. I’ve come just                                                          b. I’ve just came
d.   I’ve came just                                                         d. I’ve just come

48.  a. come                                                                        b. coming
c.    came                                                                       d. comes

49.  a. finished                                                                   b. finishes
d.   finishing                                                          d. finish

50.  a. Did you see                                                 b. Do you see
c. Does you see                                               d. Did you saw

51.  Nothing is impossible,______?
a.       Isn’t it?      C. is it?
b.      It is?          D. it isn’t?

52.  I’m not stingy,_______?
a.       aren’t I?     C. I am?
b.      am I?         d. is she?

53.  He never goes out with his dog,_______?
a.       Is he?         C. isn’t he?
b.      Does he?   D. Doesn’t he?

54.  Let’s take the next bus,______?
a.       Will you?   C. shall we?
b.      Won’t you?           D. should I?

55.  The Mount Rushmore National Memorial Park is in Keystone, _____?
a.       Is it?          C. It is?
b.      Isn’t it?      D. Does it?
56.  The designer arranged the room,  ……….?
a.         isn’t he                                                c. doesn’t he
b.         didn’t he                                             d. hasn’t he

57.  She will maximize her ability to the very best, ……….?.
a.         will she                                                c. wouldn’t she
b.         won’t she                                            d. would she

58.   The programmer talks about her design, …………?
a.         isn’t he                                                c. didn’t he
b.         doesn’t he                                           d. hasn’t he

59.   There are so many people who prefer to talk gossip, ………..?
a. were there                                        c. are there
b. weren’t there                                               d. aren’t there

60.  She was my friend, ………?
a. was she                                                        c. wasn’t she
b. is she                                                           d. isn’t she

61.  I ....... grandma’s house last month.
a.       Visited
b.      Has visited
c.       Was visited
d.      Had visited
62.  My father ...... coffee two days ago
a.       Won’t
b.      Wouldn’t
c.       Didn’t
d.      Shouldn’t
63.  I ...... go to campus everyday
a.       Goes
b.      Go
c.       Am going
d.      Gone
64.  What will you do if she ..... late ?
a.       Came
b.      Come
c.       Comes
d.      Has coming
65.  They ...... in the canteen now
a.       Were eating
b.      Was eating
c.       Is eating
d.      Are eating
66.  I am sorry I can’t hear your words because everybody ..... so loudly.
a.       Is talking
b.      Was talking
c.       Has talking
d.      Were talking
67.  I think she ...... very successful.
a.       Will being
b.      Will be
c.       Is going be
d.      Is going
68.  Look at those clouds on the horizon! It ....... rain.
a.       Will going
b.      Is going to
c.       Are going to
d.      Will to
69.  I ..... when my mother prepared dinner last night.
a.       Was studying
b.      Was study
c.       Were study
d.      Were studying
70.  Thomas ...... when I and Rudi came to his office.
a.       Wasn’t working
b.      Wasn’t worked
c.       Weren’t working
d.      Aren’t working

71.  The acids, salts, and vitamins that fruits furnish are very helpful _________ a balanced and healthful diet
a.       to keep
b.      kept
c.       keeping
d.      they keep

72.  ‘You seem to be waiting for something these days?’
‘That’s true; I’m waiting __________  for an interview.’
a.       called
b.      to call
c.       be called
d.      to be called

73.  “What is Iwan’s decision concerning about his house?”
“_________ it before putting up for sale.”
a.       His renovating
b.      For renovating
c.       Be renovated
d.      To renovate

74.  “What do you need my calculator for?”
“_________ this problem.”
a.       In solving
b.      My solving
c.       Solved
d.      To solve

75.  “Do you think I can wear my new necklace?”
“I wouldn’t advise you ______ jewelry in a difficult time like this.”
a.       wear
b.      to wear
c.       to be wearing
d.      wearing

76.  “Why do you have to stay at home tomorrow?”
“___________  my little brother.”
a.       Takes care of
b.      Taking care of
c.       To take care of
d.      For taking of

77.  The reason why I am here is ________ you fill in the forms for the scholarship.
a.       help
b.      to help
c.       helping
d.      I will help

78.  I usually take a walk early in the morning ________ some fresh air.
a.       getting
b.      get
c.       to get
d.      I get

79.  The crowd has been waiting outside the hotel for hours just _______ a glimpse of the famous singer.
a.       getting
b.      they get
c.       get
d.      to get

810.  My parents advised my sister ___________ too much money on clothes.
a.       do not spend
b.      not to spend
c.       to not spend
d.      not spending

81.  “I need to do some exercise to stay fit
“Have you considered _____ for one hour everyday
a.       walking
b.      you walk
c.       to walk
d.      to be walking
82.  I am looking forward to ________ a salary raise next month.
a.       get
b.      be getting
c.       getting
d.      have got

83.  Despite criticisms from political opponents, the new president continues his _______ abroad to appeal to foreign countries to invest in Indonesia.
a.       to travel
b.      travelled
c.       travelling
d.      be travelling

84.  in her letter my friend said that she was looking forward __________ from me again.
a.       to hearing
b.      to hear
c.       hearing
d.      having heard

85.  We always avoid _________ to the zoo on Sundays because it is too crowded.
a.       going
b.      go
c.       we go
d.      to go

86.  “What are the horns of a buffalo used for?”
“Well, mostly for _________ handicrafts.”
a.       make
b.      to make
c.       being made
d.      making

87.  We were astonished at ___________ a good score for his TOEFL in spite of his poor English.
a.       could not
b.      his being able to get
c.       to be able to get
d.      being able to get

88.  “Where is Budi?”
“Oh, I completely forget ________”
a.       to invite
b.      not inviting
c.       invite
d.      not to invite

89.  Little children are usually afraid of __________ by their mother.
a.       left
b.      to leave
c.       being left
d.      leaving

90.   My friend Hasan is considering _____________ school before finishing it because of financial reasons.
a.       he leaves
b.      about leaving
c.       he wants to leave
d.      leaving



1.      D
2.      A
3.      B
4.      A
5.      B
6.      C
7.      D
8.      D
9.      C
10.  B
11.  A
12.  C
13.  D
14.  A
15.  B
16.  D
17.  C
18.  B
19.  B
20.  C
21.  A
22.  B
23.  A
24.  A
25.  C
26.  C
27.  D
28.  A
29.  C
30.  C
31.  B
32.  C
33.  C
34.  B
35.  C
36.  B
37.  C
38.  A
39.  D
40.  C
41.  C
42.  A
43.  C
44.  B
45.  D
46.  A
47.  A
48.  C
49.  A
50.  B
51.  C
52.  B
53.  B
54.  A
55.  B
56.  A
57.  B
58.  B
59.  B
60.  C
61.  A
62.  D
63.  C
64.  C
65.  D
66.  A
67.  C
68.  B
69.  D
70.  A
71.  A
72.  B
73.  B
74.  D
75.  B
76.  B
77.  C
78.  C
79.  A
80.  B
81.  D
82.  D
83.  A
84.  B
85.  D
86.  D
87.  B
88.  A
89.  C
90.  B


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